
Aeration System Control for Toledo Sewage Treatment Plant, Brazil
Engineering and Technology Associates Inc. was contracted to design and develop the control/automation system for controlling DO (Dissolved Oxygen) in each of the four Reactors in the treatment facility. To achieve required effluent quality, it is important to have a stable and desired DO in the reactors.
This plant has two treatment lines, each treatment line / Reactor divided into two Stages. Each Stage has its own aeration diffuser system. The plant also has five air blowers, four operating and one reserve, with only one manifold providing air to the four aeration systems.
St Lucia SCADA Replacement and Upgrades, St Lucia
The Water and Sewerage Company (WASCO) St Lucia retained ETA in order to upgrade the SCADA system for the existing drinking water supply infrastructure in St Lucia. The system has a capacity of 90,720 m3/d for a population of 175,000 and includes 28 water intakes, over 70 pumping stations, 107 storage tanks and 26 water treatment facilities. The SCADA system upgrade is based on improving overall operational efficiency, environmental responsibility and customer satisfaction. The system is expected to reduce power consumption, while improving service delivery.

A second SBR plant in Chile is currently being upgraded with the aerobic granular sludge technology, after successful implementation of the first plant. The plant will be expanded to treat up to 5,500 kg/day of BOD5. All associated equipment will be installed in a new building that will house the two skids of sixteen (16) hydrocyclones each for a total of thirty-two (32) hydrocyclones in the plant. The installation of the S::Select® technology will achieve the intended expansion of 70% of the WWTP.
Sans Souci Couples Resort Wastewater Treatment Plant, Ocho Rios, Jamaica
Engineering and Technology Associates Inc. was involved in the implementation of the wastewater treatment plant for the five star all inclusive Sans Souci Couples Resort in Ocho Rios, Jamaica. The plant was designed to meet the requirements during peak occupancy of treating 100 m3/day sewage.
The existing plant did not achieve the effluent requirements set by NEPA and our team deployed the state-of-the-art MABR technology. The project challenge was that the resort could not be closed during the implementation of the new treatment process.
We deployed an Aspiral MABR plant, capable of treating all the sewage generated within the resort. The treated effluent can be discharged to the local drainage and then into the sea, or it can be used for irrigation of the green spaces within the resort.

PetroJam Wastewater Treatment Plant, Jamaica
ETA is involved in the detailed design, site supervision and commissioning support for an advanced wastewater treatment facility for the refinery in Jamaica.
Los Bajos Wastewater Treatment Plant, Trinidad
ETA was retained to undertake an optimization study for the
existing Los Bajos Wastewater Treatment Plant. The facility treats the produced water from the Petrotrin oil fields and is rated for 3,980 m3/day, however the maximum output for the plant is only 2,830 m3/day. As part of our assignment we evaluated the performance of each treatment process and made recommendations for the required upgrades to restore the full capacity of the treatment plant and to further expand the treatment facility to achieve an output of 5,600 m3/day.

SBR Wastewater Treatment Plant, Chile
ETA was involved in providing the biological treatment for the expansion of a Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) plant in Chile. The existing plant was rated for 60,000 PE and had massive problems with the sludge properties and needed additional capacity due to the influent load. The upgrade of the biological treatment included the deployment of S::Select® technology, that allowed an increase of more than 50% of the existing capacity without any additional bioreactor tanks. The plant has been in operation since early 2019 and the performance has exceeded the expectations.
Las Vizcachas Water Treatment Plant, Chile
The Vizcachas Water Treatment Plant supplies 70% of the water supply to Santiago is rated for a capacity of 1,296 MLD. The project is involved with detailed design for renovation and rehabilitation of the plant. One of the challenges is the high quality of treated water especially given varying influent conditions.
Port Royal Sewer System Upgrade, Jamaica
The Port Authority of Jamaica (PAJ) retained ETA to complete the design of the Village of Port Royal Sewer Collection System Upgrade. Approximately, 2,000 people live in the village at the present time and the sewage collected at various collection points is either pumped and treated by National Water Commission (NWC) at a regional facility or is discharged without any treatment to the sea. As part of our assignment, ETA designed the upgrades of the sewer collection system to convey the raw sewage to the new Old Coal Wharf Sewage Treatment Plant located approximately 1,500 m from the village.

Old Coal Wharf Sewage Treatment Plant, Jamaica
ETA was retained to design the new sewage treatment plant for the cruise ship terminal at Old Coal Wharf. Originally the facility was planned to treat the sewage generated from the customers disembarking/embarking the cruise ship and the support staff working in the new terminal. During the assignment, an opportunity arose to expand the treatment facility to include the Village of Port Royal located nearby. ETA’s scope included supply of the plant, start-up and commissioning activities
Friendship Housing Development Sewage Treatment Plant, Jamaica
ETA was retained to provide detailed design for process, electrical and automation for the new sewage treatment plant for the Friendship Housing Development in St. Elizabeth Parish, Jamaica. The housing development will consist of 682 units and associated commercial spaces. The new sewage treatment facility is designed for a capacity of 675 m3/day and will involve the Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactor (MABR) technology. As part of the assignment, ETA will provide all the process equipment (screens, pumps, blowers, UV disinfection, MABR), specialty valves, instruments, electrical MCCs, associated control panels and automation.
Perth 2 Housing Development Sewage Treatment Plant, Jamaica
ETA was retained to provide detailed design for process, electrical and automation for the new sewage treatment plant at Perth 2 Housing Development in Manchester Parish, Jamaica. The new sewage treatment facility is designed for a capacity of 1,880 m3/day and will involve the Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactor (MABR) technology. As part of the assignment, ETA will provide all the process equipment (screens, pumps, blowers, UV disinfection, MABR), specialty valves, instruments, electrical MCCs, associated control panels and automation.
Elmira Wastewater Treatment Plant, Region of Waterloo, Ontario
The Region of Waterloo retained Engineering and Technology Associates Inc. (ETA) to undertake a feasibility study to optimize the Elmira WWTP using innovative technologies, with respect to concerns of sludge bulking, settleability of mixed liquor and biological overload. The main objective was to consider the upgrades to the biological treatment (bioreactors and secondary clarifiers).
Currently the wastewater treatment plant operates at only 58% of the flow and treats the full biological load. As part of the assignment, upgrades were considered that would be required to restore the capacity of the plant at higher influent loads. Upgrades to the bioreactors, secondary clarifiers and aeration system were considered.
As an alternative the Granular Activated Sludge (AGS) as provided by S::Select® was considered.
Based on the capital as well as operation and maintenance costs, the S::Select® technology provided more than 60% savings and it was recommended for implementation

City of Toronto / Region of York Water Supply System, Canada
ETA is supporting the IBI team to maintain and support the City and the Region’s Water Transmission Operations Optimizer (TOO). TOO is based on real-time modeling, prediction and optimization technology. The system was launched in November 2015, and provides reduction in energy used and in costs, while maintaining and improving service delivery.